McINTYRE BUMP 2 BUB - studio sessions
I'd love to introduce beautiful Hannah Mary.
Please take a minute to sit back and enjoy the McIntyre families BUMP 2 BUB journey...
Hannah was born with a cleft palate. Her lovely mum Fiona decided she wanted to capture Hannah in all her newborn gorgeousness and I love that she did.
I've really enjoyed getting to know this beautiful family. Talking to Fiona, she mentioned that they didn't want to ignore the fact that Hannah was born with a cleft palate, but to the other extreme, they didn't want it to be her "thing", and make huge issue out of it. Because after all, she is as beautiful a newborn as there ever was. So here we are somewhere in the middle. We've captured this moment in time so her family can remember her as she was born, because in a few months, with the marvels of modern surgery, you'll barely be able to see a trace of it.
It was really wonderful to watch Fiona transition from being a little nervous about the unknowns with how bub would go with feeding etc at the BUMP session, to being absolutely, totally, and utterly besotted and in love with her beautiful babe, and totally at ease at her BUB session. It was beautiful to watch & hear her doting over her Hannah . And how could she not?
I really hope you love all your photos Fiona & Macca, they're so precious (here's just a few!). This beautiful little poppet totally won me over and i cannot wait to see her again for her next studio session, post-op. Here, a few months back, she was only 14 days new and already bright eyed and full of spunk & personality. Darling girl.
And we can't forget a few "pre-Hannah" shots. Here are some of my faves from Fiona & family's BUMP session...
Welcome to the world beautiful Hannah Mary...